New entry from Dino Buturović

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Our latest entry comes from Dino Buturović who writes:

The flag consists of 7 blue and white stripes symbolic of the Liverpool’s
original 7 streets. The yellow field with the stylized rose of Lancaster is
symbolic of the city’s historic county of Lancashire. It was also the
symbol of the 55th West Lancashire infantry division in WWI and WWII, that
was made up mostly of Liverpudlians.


Thanks for the entry Dino! If you would like to submit your own design, please see our submissions page.

New entry from Jordan Scott

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We have a new entry from Jordan Scott who writes:

“Red symbolises Liverpool, and the blood of the slaves that came through the city. The blue symbolises Everton and the River Mersey. Gold symbolises the wealth of the city through it’s maritime history, and the Liverbird symbolises the city’s history.”Jordan Scott

New entry from Adam Irwin

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Our latest entry comes from Adam Irwin who writes:

“The City of Liverpool flag contains a single wave, this relates to the River Mersey that is at the forefront of Liverpool. The town originally consisted of 7 streets which has been represented in the number of ripples within the wave.”

Adam Irwin Flag

Design entry from Leigh Cotterill

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Leigh Cotterill flag

Our latest design entry comes from Leigh Cotterill who writes:

“The flag has a red field with a white diamond in the centre. This is inspired by one of the early flags used by the Mersey Docks and Harbour company , which symbolises the central role in the City’s history and growth that the docks have played. In the centre of the white diamond is placed the Liver Bird that is iconic of the City, the black colour with green seaweed sprig used as it is on the Council arms.”

Great design Lee, thank you very much for your submission! If you would like to submit your own design, you can do so here.

New entry from Geraint Parry

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Our latest entry is from Dr Geraint Parry who writes:

“The blue and red sectors represent the colours of the football clubs. The
crosses represent the two cathedrals in the city. The historical
significance of the shipping industry in the city is represented by the
ships wheel.”

Thank you very much Geraint!

New entry from Paul Johnson

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The latest design submission comes from Paul Johnson who explains:

“The red is from the red rose of Lancashire. The wavy blue is for the River Mersey and the sea beyond, with a gold band representing the wealth generated from Liverpool’s maritime history. The Liver Bird is white, representing peace and harmony between the city’s different communities.”

New design by Brett Guessford

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Flag of Liverpool Brett Guessford

Our latest submitted design comes from Brett Guessford:

“I started with a Nordic cross to represent the Cathedrals and the Nordic origin of the term Scouser. The background is yellow to signify the wealth of the city. I have included blue for the River Mersey, as well as red and white to represent England.”

A very interesting design Brett!

If you would like to submit your own design, you can do so by following our instructions. Happy designing!